GEM-A portable gemmological microscope
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Antishock case containing GEM-A Travel Microscope

€950.00 Tax excluded €950.00 (tax excl.)
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Main feature: stereozoom microscope 10-30x, direct and indirect light source, darkfield with iris diaphragm, gem tweezesr and 20x additional ocular.

The Travel Gem Microscope is perfect for valuers, students and retailers and has the advantage of being relatively lightweight. It can be used for taking pictures of inclusions and showing laser inscriptions on diamonds.

Features 10x, 20x, 30x and 60x magnification.

The microscope comes with LED dark field illumination and LED overhead lighting, both of which are rheostat controlled.

Kit includes 10x and 20x eyepieces, magnetic gemstone tongs, eye guards, plastic cover and aluminium travel case.

Supplied with rechargeable battery pack and  power supply.

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